Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Adventures in advertising
Check out Tapley's Embroidery at the link below--
Check out Randi's "This and That" at this link
I am also going to put them on my side bar so that you can continue to check out their products as they grow their businesses-- If you are in the market for these items- buy from these ladies- they are cool people :)
Good luck Randi and Tapley
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Cheap Trick
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Fond Memory
Mindy's Oh My Blog reminded me of a blog that I keep wanting to write-- I may not do this memory justice but I will try....
In September we went to Sunset Beach without the little ones-- just half of our "families", Mindy, Brad, Joe and I. We stayed on the opposite side of the beach this time and Mindy and I decided (since we were without kids and were on the right side of the beach) to find this "Kindred Spirit Mailbox" that we had heard so much about.
So we walked, and walked, and walked, until we spotted this black mailbox up in the dunes. The mailbox was filled with notebooks. Each notebook was filled with letters, and notes, and pictures from many visitors who had visited the box prior to us.
Mindy and I sat on the old wooden bench by the mailbox reading through the notes, some were personal, some were religious in nature, some were very deep, but most had a common theme of the wonderful memories made at Sunset Beach, and at this unique mailbox.
Mindy and I read to each other and eventually left a note of our own. It was such a one of a kind experience and something I would recommend to everyone that may have the pleasure of visiting Sunset Beach. Who knows, maybe you will see our notes in there-- I plan on going back next year so I can read Mindy's note. (BTW we couldn't get the boys to go, they seemed less interested in reading about other's memories- I don't get it :))
Monday, September 22, 2008
Deep in thought...
And as I think more about it I say to myself-- in the game of life-- would I rather win the race or would I rather finish the race with an honest attempt and help folks along the way that may have tripped, fallen, or sprained an ankle.
My honest answer is the latter, because a competition that you win-- is fun while it last but in the end you are left with a shiny gold medal that eventually loses it's luster and a memory that fades when you gain weight and can't run that race any longer. When you lose the competition --but help people along the way--you may not have all the glory, or all of the money, or all of the promotions but you do have the feeling of building long lasting meaningful relationships that are far better than a shiny piece of medal that decorates your mantle.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Note to self...
Oh BTW -- Sad day for who???
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Little Pay Pay
So I was thinking as I was leaving lunch --of all the things that make me so proud of her-- don't get me wrong-- she has her days --as all kids do---but overall she is just a good kid-- so I wanted to take a minute to put some things in writing to let her know why I am so proud of her-
- She is loving- still cuddly at 7
- She is confident-- not afraid of taking on new adventures-- thanks (Pay Pay) for taking on the new afterschool with no hesitation or complaining
- She is an AWESOME big sister
- She makes me laugh (Payten I love your Joedaddy Dance)
- She is good to her friends and her teachers tell me she is even good to kids that do not always fit in
- She is responsible
- She is positive
- She is kind and caring
And this is just the short list
So Pay Pay-- Thank you for being such a super kid-- you make me so happy everyday-- I am so proud of you and want you to always be reminded of the joy you bring to my life.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A "Blessing" in disguise
It has taken me a while to figure out how to get the video thing going on my new computer-- but I finally did and can now post this Carter Video-- it works out good though and probably timely considering all of the bad press I have given the booger lately
Here he is singing "God our Father" , it is the song they sing at lunch at their daycare and don't you forget that because he is quick to tell you -- "We not sing at nack time only lunch"
And the bad part of it all is when he was first singing it he was singing God Our Father over and over and I thought he was saying "Carter Farter" and I was telling him that wasn't nice-- thankfully Payten corrected me quick-- she said Mom he is singing God Our Father--- I had no clue they sang this at their daycare-- Thanks Pay Pay for setting me straight.
(PS. before you start this video-- go all the way to the bottom of my blog and put my playlist on pause to pause the lovely music :))
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My Twin
This morning when I got out of bed my hair was standing straight up and first thing Carter said was--"ooo I need to brush lou hair" So I let him brush my hair. When he was done he stepped back and looked at me and said -- "Woah lou look like Wow Wow Wubbzy"
Not sure if I should be flattered or crySunday, September 7, 2008
A trip to Mimi's House
I love when the kids get to stay with mom-- I call it a win, win, win, situation, if there is such a thing. Joe and I get some very important "our" time, the kids have a blast, and my mom is so excited she talks about it for weeks prior and weeks afterwards. It is just a great thing. This time mom got some cute pics-- hope you enjoy
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Mommy's Morning Out
I should learn my lesson
You see that "I must admit blog" below-- okay 3 ways you know I didn't write that post
- I wouldn't admit jealousy-- not yet-- not until we have worked out more and I am not in the lead-- then I "might" say I am a little jealous
- I only know one person that frequently says "Sad day for me" and that is not me
- When I was at the gym with my hubby last night (because some one-- not naming any names) got a little cocky (Mindy Horner) and believed the results of one machine that registered way low in one metric--so she didn't feel the need to exercise another night) --sorry digressed-- When I was at the gym last night-- Colin (fitness center personnel) settled our debate when he told me and Joe that he found out the machine was actually broken
Now who's sad day is it??? Silly girl :) thanks for keeping me smilin' and motivated to lose weight-- now let's get to work and see who will "really" get to 16 first!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Trying Three's
What is this you might ask? An incident report from Carter's school-- and let me just summarize the form for you
Not listening to teacher-- threw a tantrum and Hit mouth on floor ---
oh yes we are officially feeling the effects of the "trying threes"-- remember just a day ago I posted a blog on a cut hand-- and now a swolen lip-- and what is the reoccurring theme here-- not listening
It is just the age right??-- make me feel good about this-- please let this just be the "trying threes"--that is just one year -- we can make it --right?
I vaguely remember Payten's three year old year-- I remember thinking-- she was such a good two year old-- the terrible twos were nothing--- but then she hit three-- and it was on
We did have a good conversation with him and told him if he keeps not listening we would take away his golf clubs and his four wheeler (his two favorite things)-- He didn't like the idea of us taking those things away-- So what was his response you might ask??
He first said-- "no not take my glof clubs or four wheeler" then he said "I chy listen, but I can't"
Did I say we had a good coversation? Well at least one half of the conversation was good.
Can't Stop Laughin'