Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Taking me back
I made many of them as a kid-- but I could not remember how to make them at all--
and considering in the crafty department--- I am slightly (cough cough overly) lacking--it was not looking good--
I do however know how to be resourceful-- and my determination wasn't lacking--so I Googled it-- and look what I made and taught Payten to make (she made the top one)
Not to bad huh? I was pround of myself-- I mean I can't sew or make a dress-- but I sure can make some friendship bracelets-- :)
On a side note-- I must of had much more patience as a child-- because these take FOREVER-- I may not have had as much determination to learn if I had realized how long they take--ha ha
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Progressive Lunch Rooms

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
First Day of School
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Faith in this Girl!!

Payten spent 6 summer Tuesdays with Ms. Melissa, because Ms. Melissa gave up her Tuesdays, while home from college, to spend time with Payten and other little girls her age taking them through the Faithgirlz Handbook.
She taught them how to appreciate their inner beauty, how to treat others with kindness, that God created them and loves them just the way they are,,,,,and lots more....
How awesome that she would give up a day a week of her summer break, to spend time with "little girls", when most soon to be college sophomores are busy thinking of themselves (I know I was :)).
So while she was encouraging all of these little girls it made me realize how lucky I am to have such a wonderful role model in my little girl's life. Ms. Melissa is beautiful inside and out and is a true example of "practicing what you preach"!!
Thank you Ms. Melissa for being such a giving person and for sharing your time and heart with Payten, she (we) are very lucky to have you for her to look up to (oh and for Carter to Marry ;))
ps. hope you don't mind I stole a fb pic :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Prime Example
So twice within two months from different leaders-- my girl has gotten recognized for her great attitude, and role model behavior---Pretty cool huh??
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Confidence is key
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sorry.... he's taken
He's taken---no need to try, no need to waste your breath, he is in love, his heart is taken forever.....and now belongs to another---Yes the one for which he has longed for twelve years---the one for which he has begged his wife (for just as long)---the one to which his eyes have always wandered while driving every other car we've owned (yes it is true all other old cars, you have been emotionally cheated on-- he was never truly yours)
Now he is content he has his "ideal mate" -- The Jeep--
(and yes it has a name "HANK")
Friday, August 20, 2010
Things I'll Miss--Part Two
In sticking with the theme, here are the 5 things I will miss most about this age
5. You can be entertained for hours with a matchbox car and a "wamp" and you make your own car sounds and say things like "gentlemen stawt youw engines"
4. You eat veggies to get big muscles --in fact it happens immediately after you eat them-- you show me every time
3. You still think those Fireworks on July 4th are just for you, and you thank me for your fireworks everytime
2. Your ending line on the telephone when talking to the ones you love-- "I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you" (you even said it to sissy when she was at a sleep over, and you had just seen her an hour before)
1. You still want to marry mommy, and tell me often "I am never gonna leave you, I am gonna stay with you foreva"
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Things I'll miss
Payten turned 9 in June so I thought I would capture the 9 things I will miss about this age:
9. You don't like boys (except you giggle and blush every time I say the name Justin Bieber, and you can't pass a magazine with his face on it without stopping)
8. You like for mommy to paint your nails (one day you will notice how really unsteady my hands are)
7. You are still so little compared to all other 3rd-4th graders which makes you so huggable (you also passed for 8 when Mimi took you to dinner so she still got a discount ha ha)
6. You don't mind being tickled (even with friends around)
5. You still tolerate your little brother (most of the time :))
4. You play with babies-- (I enjoy watching what a cute little mother you are to them all)
3. You still like Barbies (which by the way are pretty cheap entertainment)
2. You are starting to primp but you don't spend too much time doing it yet
1. You still give lots and lots of hugs and kisses (and are not embarrassed even in front of your friends)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
How I knew
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Beach Lifesaver
Monday, August 16, 2010
"Woger Woger"

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Beach Blogging 2010
See that smile? Oh I guess you can't see me smiling behind the camera-- but what a sweet little Kodak moment..
Thursday, May 27, 2010
It's Official!! He did it!!
Payten was the first to notice his name on the program twice for both his honors, and Carter made sure to tell him "I am pwoud of you daddy". And I am extremely PWOUD too!!
Oh and for anyone keeping track-- the turd did beat my GPA.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A Song for You
Looking forward to our eggtomatothrowingcussinggetitoutcryingpunchinghugging(not touching :)) night!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
The most special gift
Sunday, February 14, 2010
My Baby is growing up...
But that means he is starting Kindergarten soon..In fact--I registered him last week......sigh...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
A New Guinness World Record
PS--We did check to make sure this kid was okay before we took the picture......
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I did it!!!
So there you go-- tell your friends-- you really can survive the storm without milk and bread--so no need to rob the stores of all of their supply-- there may be a little baby somewhere that really needs that milk on a snowy weekend--
By the way-- I would advise to stock up on toilet paper-- I mean seriously why are the shelves not empty of toilet paper at winter storm time-- I would think that would be quite vital.....
Next winter storm I think I will rob the shelves of all of the toilet paper and get everyone in a panic and start the new trend of getting milk, bread and toilet paper....