Sunday, August 17, 2008

All that's left..

What a great weekend-- on Saturday I had a much anticipated visit from Georgia and Christina (my two best buds from college). I was so excited for them to come and as always I had a great time-- and guess what--no pictures-- why? -- not sure --besides to busy catching up???

Now all that is left is the empty table (with the uncomfortable seats) where we sat for several hours last night laughing and reminiscing-- and the table is still sporting the essential bug spray- for our sweet kids that attract the evening mosquitos--

And a little purple sand, left from the kids who had so much fun playing together

And as always more great memories made --that I am sure we will discuss next time we are lucky enough to be together

Thanks C and GaGa for making the effort to get together last night-- your friendship means the world to me-- and I am glad we were able to hang out--- Now C you have to start a Blog for us!!


mindy said...

I'm glad I got to meet friends from your former life...which reminds me-- When are the trailor park kids stopping by?

PS- notice the time of this comment....way too freaking early in the am!

Georgia said...

Ashley- we had a great time too. Thanks for opening your wonderful house to us. Ellie asked today if we could go back to Paytnen and Carters house. It was cute- I added the N to Payten's name because that is how she said her name. It was sweet. We had fun and look forward to some more good times!!! Loved meeting Mindy and Maci! Maggie had a blast too.