Thursday, August 14, 2008

Good Timing

Sometimes I get something that just hits a cord with me-- this was the Daily Motivator I received today-- I love it


Be joyful, just because you can. Spread genuine joy to others, just because it feels so grand.
Generously give of yourself just because it's your own special way to make a difference. Smile, just because it is so easy and pleasant to do.
Follow your dreams just because they call so vividly and persistently to you. Live your deepest purpose just because it feels so very right.
Always speak the truth just because you understand its far-reaching power. Act with integrity just because it keeps you on the path to true fulfillment.
Offer a kind word just because it can have such a positive impact. Lift up those around you just because you feel connected to all that is.
Life can be quite complex, but it doesn't have to be complicated. Live each moment richly and fully, just because you are.

-- Ralph Marston


mindy said...

I feel so motivated right now.

What do you mean you sense sarcasm?? ;)

mindy said...

PS- looks like your counter started over again. what is up with that?