Thursday, April 10, 2008

Time on my hands

Carter is out of school today because he had a fever yesterday, so I decided I would do some things that I had been needing to do like put the Kodak Easy share software back on my computer--and while I was doing that I started playing around with some of the features and picture enhancements-- and found some interesting stuff--see below (by the way-- Carter is fine-- he had a slight fever this morning but got through it with no Motrin-- so I think it must have been a 24 hour thing)

Here is the original picture:

Here is the Picture with Spotlight enhancement: (I like this one-- need to remember to use)

Here is the Coloring Book enhancement:

Here is the Cartoon enhancement: (this one is kinda freaky weird to me--if you double click on it --it gets bigger and you can see what I mean)

And here is the fisheye enhancement:

Can you think of a time I could use these enhancements? Or should I just go back to pretending I didn't know they were there-- I think I could use the spotlight and possible the fish eye-- would it freak everyone out if I sent a Christmas card with the Cartoon enhancement?? Maybe I should just to see--
By the way--- Are there more things I could be doing right now? yes absolutely-- there is plenty of cleaning to be done-- but since I had to take a vacation day-- doing mindless things like sharing my camera capabilities with my blogging friends is just what I want to do--


Anonymous said...
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Georgia said...

You are funny!

mindy said...

You did have some time on your hands!