Tuesday, January 22, 2008

To Fold or Not to Fold??? That is the Question

I wore a pair of socks like this over the weekend.

I asked my friend a simple question; at least I thought-----

My initial question when asked was "is this not cool?"--- and I asked it because I was wearing them with Tennis shoes-- the response I got was "no that is not cool to wear them rolled down-- you have to slouch them or something".

I wasn't asking the question about folding-- because I just put them on the way I got them-- see above-- this is an unopened pair-- see they are folded down-- I just took the tag off and put them on.

So the debate ended when we asked the waitress at Troy's Diner-- and she agreed that no socks should be folded down-- "unless they have lace at the top"--

Wow and I thought I was hip----

1 comment:

mindy said...

and I am still wondering why the diner waitress was the one to sway you. Thank goodness you had an honest waitress!