Monday, January 7, 2008

Hmmmmmm? - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Everyday I spend about an hour and a half commuting to work on interstate 485, a 22 mile ride to work that normally turns into about 45 mins each way due to traffic. Almost every other day I am behind a minivan that has a license plate just like the one above. Today I was behind it again.

I have often wondered-- what compelled this person to put this on their license plate. I can say I don't enjoy 485 and the traffic sucks, but I mean is it worth paying 20 extra dollars for a personalized tag to tell the world. And then I wonder-- why do you take 485 everyday if you hate it so much-- I mean there are a lot of other options, I wonder if the person hates Providence road more but it was just to big to fit on their tag.

Finally I wonder-- should I be happy for this person that all they loathe is 485-- because that is a pretty nice life, or should I be sad for them that they don't have anything better than a road to be passionate about......

Or maybe I have put too much thought into this--


mindy said...

One of my favorite posts to date. Do you want us to stalk the person someday and ask them all this when they get to work? You know I would totally be into that. ;)

Ashley B said...

I know you would-- and what a fun memory you just brought back up!!!