Saturday, January 5, 2008

Let's Go G.N.O!!!!

Awwwww---Girls Night Out always good for your health-- I know--- I ate way more than I should have tonight considering I have a diet bet going, but I think I laughed enough to counteract most of it-- well up to the cake--oops. But to quote Amos---"I am glad I am surrounded by girls who like to eat-- because I wouldn't want to be with those skinny people that ask for the spinach salad......... hey give me some more cake :)".

Thanks Girls for a fun time-- I guess this is the end of my Birthday week-- my last little Birthday celebration this year---Next year I am shooting for a whole month long deal.

1 comment:

mindy said...

I can't believe you already blogged about your night! Remember next year you can try Momakuah like Tresher does...all birthday all season!