Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fun Times, Fun Times...

For the last several weekends, we have been busy hosting our friends and family for fun little cookouts, and every weekend we have brought out the Perler beads, or what we call "Melty Beads" (we can't take credit for that name, that is what Payten calls them from afterschool)
Either way, call them what you want--- I recommend melty beads to all moms. It is great entertainment for kids, and adults too, it is kinda like cross stitching of my time.
The kids can be as creative as they'd like with their own made up designs or they can get books with different ideas. You can check this out at, but they are easily purchased at Michaels, Walmart etc. etc.
I just thought I would give this great little thing a plug, and help all of you moms out that may be looking for creative Kiddo entertainment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We enjoy those too now thanks to your family. However, it should be noted they do not stand up to puppy teeth! ;)