Thursday, March 31, 2011


I can only post this because Payten doesn't read my blog yet-- only when I point something out to her-- and hopefully when she is old enough to actually read this on her own she will find this funny

Today she watches "THE VIDEO" and she keeps reminding me-- mommy remember the "PINK PAPER" you signed, that's tomorrow.  Yes, Yes I remember.  When I signed the paper I said--Make sure you only ask Mommy questions not other girls because I want to make sure you hear things from me that are true (I keep reminding her).

Yes, I am setting myself up for all of the questions, I know-- and yes I am slightly (overly) not looking forward to it--and yes I am on my own (Joe currently wants no part in the matter--he did tell me he would talk to Carter in time-- but I am nervous about that after he told me his speech :)), and yes I am nervous, and yes I have no clue.

But thankfully last night the women of my Lifegroup (which met a night earlier this week, perfect timing, thank you God) reminded me of an excellent resource  which I studied last night (just like I do road signs before my license test, which by the way Joe thinks is crazy), anyway this site was very helpful-- and I am getting a book from the site, the title sounds perfect for me-- This way I can make sure that if I don't answer all of the questions tonight I can follow up after reading :). (And yes I am going to make Joe read this too!!)

(ps. have I ever told you I ramble when I am nervous)


Joanna said...

Wow! Initially I thought to myself "Man they're doing these videos early these days!" Then I realized that Payten is 10, isn't she? I had the video at the same age. It's amazing how time flies. Glad you're going first. ;-) In 10 years I'll be calling you for some pointers.

mindy said...

No need to buy it...I have can borrow it. All of Dr. Leman's books are EXCELLENT.

Ashley B said...

Joanna-- I am sure I will have A LOT of advice by then

Mindy-- YAAY that is good news-- I like your library-- I sure remember helping stock it :)