Friday, May 1, 2009

Super Stacy

Payten has a chipped front (permanent I might add) tooth thanks to a recorder and a brother's flying foot. But no worries (well besides a tooth that will forever have a filling) Mrs. Stacy was there to the rescue.

Thankfully we were at the right place at the right time-- see my bud Stacy is a dental assistant and we just happened to be at her house-- and she was even still in her scrubs- so she was able to calm the situation and looked professional while doing it. But not only did she do that-- she called her boss and asked if he could come in if necessary on Friday (his day off) which he agreed, and she offered to do some smoothing herself if needed (on her day off).....

Fortunately we didn't need any of it -- just a little fluoride to keep it safe until the first available appointment on Tuesday---which of course Stacy set up for us today-- (on her day off).

Thanks so much Stace for being my SUPER DENTAL ASSISTANT-- I really appreciate you making all of the effort to get Payten comfortable. YOU ROCK!!!! I'll be sure to get you a present on Dental Assistance Appreciation Day :)


mindy said...

AND look how pretty her own teeth are in that picture! :)

WV Girl said...

Aw Shucks! That's so sweet of you to blog on me. Too bad I had to look at that ugly mug while reading the blog entry. But it was really nothing. I wish you would have let me do more. I'm glad Payten survived the weekend. You would have done the same for my little girl.

WV Girl said... the way, Dental Assistant's WEEK was the first week in March!!!!