Monday, April 27, 2009

All I can say is awwwwww......

Tonights conversation with Carter after dark...

Carter: "Mommy you go get my ipod out da car?"
(ok for anyone that may get stuck on this first line (like I may have) and thought we may be crazy for buying a 3 year old an iPod--- that is not the case-- it was Joe's old one we just filled it up with CB's music and he actually loves it--ok that is settled now you can read the rest-- :))

Me: "Only if you go with me to protect me?"

Carter: "But I might be scared--is it weally weally dark?"

Me: "I don't know"

Carter: (as the door opens) "oh, It's not too dark, it is blue outside"

Me: "I still might be scared"

Carter:(while holding my neck and rubbing my hair) "no you not I take care of lou"

Me: "Aww that is sweet are you my big boy?"

Carter: "Les I was protecking you"

A little commentary on the picture, he watched some martial arts demonstration last weekend at the street fair we went to and has been trying Karate moves ever since-- that is his hand AYYYE Yahh above-- I feel very safe :)

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