Friday, May 29, 2009

And Bunny Makes 5

Payten's first fluffy pet-- she has been wanting a pet so bad-- but we can't have dogs due to Carterboo's allergies so we got her a bunny--she is such a good kid and is good at taking care of things including her brother-- so we thought she deserved something to love on. And boy does she love it--she told me she missed him all day today (their first day apart) and she and Carter gave it kisses before bed and told him they loved him

We are still working on names--we tried to see if he would respond to any names tonight when we called and he had no reaction-- guess that's what bunnies do-- so he has been called:


We will eventually figure out the name that is most fitting--until then we will just make funny bunny sounds to communicate with him.

Any suggestions for this cute little thing?


WV Girl said...

I like the name Puffle

mindy said...

I thought he was named Hoppy from day one? Are you trying to get her to change that name? That sounds very Mindylike! ;) He does look like a Hoppy though. But if we are thinking of tweaking it....Hopsy is cute too!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, he certainly has some lovely coloration. Is it a boy or girl? If it is a boy, Peter (cottontail - do kids know those stories today?). A girl, Lulu. Hope all are well.
Aunt Linda