Saturday, November 8, 2008

One of my favorites

This is one of my favorite views, it is a view of my backyard from my deck, and the fall colors just make it all the more beautiful to me. I have a similar view from my kitchen window (same thing just different angle) and I find myself standing at the window sometimes just staring and thinking. Now this may not be as beautiful to everyone else but it seems to catch my eye a lot, and I think it is funny how sometimes when things are a little crazy just locking into this calm, natural scenery can help ground me and calm my thoughts.

Does that make me like at one with nature or something?? :)

Must have to do with some of those endorphin thingys---


Stephanie said...

That is a peaceful view - very well manicured lawn!

Rebecca said...

Great picture. My favorite time of the year too.

WV Girl said...

I love this time of year too. It's so crisp. It also means that there is a potential snowfall coming my way.

Anonymous said...

Now that IS a BEAUTIFUL view. It makes me peaceful just looking at it. This is your little piece of heaven on earth. Cherish each time you see it. Love to all, Aunt Linda