Saturday, October 25, 2008

So much like my....

Today on they way home from school Payten said to Carter "You are just like your Mommy and I am just like my Daddy" so I was thinking about it and I think she is right see below........

While eating Popcorn
Payten and Daddy eat one piece at a time
Carter and Mommy eat a handful at a time-- while Payten and Daddy GRIPE

In public
Joe and Payten shy away from strangers
Carter points out the majorly hairy guy at swim and says "Look at him", my mom has plenty of similar embarrassing stories from me too

What we eat
Payten and Daddy --boiled eggs, gizzards and veggies
Carter and Mommy-- Meat, potatoes and sweets

Analness (is that a word?)
Joe very-- Payten's teacher told us she is very particular at school (not so much at home always)
Carter and Mommy-- NOT

Our ethics
Joe and Payten-- would rather not talk if it is not the truth
Mommy-- swore to my mom when I was a kid that I didn't carve -- MY NAME in that window sill (Mom I really did) -- Carter swore tonight that the Bed post turned on the fan -- he watched it do it. Okay so at least this is one I have grown out of --we will have to work on Carter

1 comment:

mindy said...

Hmm...interesting concept. Don't think I had noticed this before...gonna have to think about this one.