Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back by popular demand

Okay -- so I have been away from blogging for a while-- and I would like to say I am back by "popular" demand-- but not sure how popular it really is-- just had a couple of people asking me to get back to blogging-- and I am back-- It has just been busy around the Brown household-- so before I get back to blogging random things-- I will recap the last month---

Soccer practice Monday's and Wednesday's--Games Saturday and sometimes Sundays-- Payten is on the older league now so we actually had to travel to fields across Union County-- it was quite the adventure-- we are finally done-- isn't she cute though?

Swim lessons on Tuesdays--and finally got pictures after almost a year of lessons for both of the kids---

Finally got those Adirondack chairs (for Mother's day) and painted them -- kinda proud of my "Polka dot" creation-- I am not always this crafty---and my mother in law did like them which is a good sign because she is crafty---

Worked on our back yard plants and built a fence-- (okay I can't take credit for building the fence or planting the flowers-- but it did take an entire weekend and I was really tired because I found things that I had to do while Joe and our dads worked- like go to the mall with my mom and get cute clothes for my kids-- )

See our fence and flowers?

See the cute outfits..

Had a cute impromptu GNO (girls night out) with Maci and Payten--

And did a lot of things --that I didn't get pics of-- like a day of shopping for myself for Mother's day-- what a sweet release-- just spend money on yourself-- no kids to slow you down---got a promotion -- (reason I spent the money he he he), traveled a little bit for work--- joined the neighborhood pool and went for the grand opening weekend-- this is our first year joining and I think we are going to like it-- visited Sanford-- for the first time since Christmas--- and for my Grandma's 95th Birthday-- isn't that great!!
And on and on and on-- so as much as I have missed blogging-- I sure have kept busy -- I will do better for my faithful readers-- but hope this gets you caught up


Anonymous said...

So glad you are back! I missed you. Even called you one evening. Must have been a soccer night. Didn't leave a message. Pictures are great. Your back yard looks so good!! Greetings & love to all to all. Aunt Linda & your Texas family

Anonymous said...

P.S. My 'baby' is 25 yrs old tomorrow!!

Georgia said...

YAY! You are back! I so missed my Brown updates! Your kids are too cute and I am in total denial that Payten is going to be 7...and our babies are going to be 3! Crazy! Thanks for all the photos! Miss you guys!

mindy said...

I sat here a good 5 minutes trying to remember the girls getting dressed up like that...I'm thinking that must have been when Brad and the kids had Brownie night while I was out of town. Right? I'm not blanking out on entire evenings am I??

Ashley B said...

Mindy-- yes you were out of town-- although I would not doubt you forgetting an entire fun night out :)--no offense of course --you know that is why I like you

Ashley B said...

Aunt Linda-- Tell Emily we said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!