Friday, March 7, 2008

A Daddy's Proud Moment

This morning as I was getting Carter ready for school and our conversation was as follows:

Me: Oh your fingernails are long we have to cut those

Carter: Uh Uh they are "pretty" (as he rubs one finger over top of them)

Me: Who told you those long nails are Pretty

Carter: Uhh Mrs. Header (that is Mrs. Heather)

Needless to say I cut them-- when I took him into school I told Mrs. Heather the story-- she said that he got that from her because he was looking at her finger nails after she got them painted and she started rubbing her own nails and said "Aren't they Pretty"

I thought it was pretty cute-- Dad was less impressed ---


mindy said...

He could come visit my in class
"shoe store." You wouldn't believe the boys I have seen in Stacie C's sequin heels this week!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally got around to clicking on the link that Linda sent me. You are now on my RSS feed, kiddo, so I'm watchin' everything you do. ;-)

You might want to look at my blog, which I've never told you about - - Media Lies. Guess what it's about. :-)

If you haven't yet figured out who I am, I'll 'splain it to you when we come this fall.

Anonymous said...

Hey- I impressed that you were able to quickly cut his nails- Ellie fights it and I have to bribe with treats-how terrible is that! The things we do for our kids! I am going to work on starting up a blog this week- I'll let you knwo what cool name I come up with.....miss you!-Georgia