Monday, October 1, 2007

First comes love…. Then comes Marriage (this is long but way worth it)

You know I have always said I am not a lucky person, in fact I am so unlucky that if I put my name in a hat for a drawing, I wouldn’t win, even if I were the only name in the hat. But there is one place in life that somehow I lucked up and if I never get lucky ever again—I am glad that I got lucky with my hubby--- okay—that didn’t come out right—but you know what I mean……….

I have felt the urge to make him one of my first blogs, partly because I feel a little obligated to give him a shout out since blogging takes time from him (well sometimes) — but also I am sure I will have plenty of kid blogs—so I can’t let his wonderfulness get lost. There are so many things that make him special, he is smart, strong, caring, silly, and most importantly the BEST Daddy ever!! There are days when I look at him and fall in love all over again—sounds a little corny—but what an awesome thing.

It is really crazy how much our lives intertwined before we met. He was born in the same town that I was raised, and for the first 3 years of my life we lived about 3 blocks from each other. Our families went to school together, and knew each other, and what is really great is that his Grandfather can tell me stories about my grandfather who died when my mom was 3….he has told me what he looked like, and how Mamamurk use to break up their poker games (I told you she is/was feisty)---and other really cool stories--- I find it so interesting how close our lives were--- way before we were even thought about…we always say we were meant to be.

One of my favorite things about him is his ability to keep up with me. I know that sounds funny but he keeps me laughing, which is pretty important in my little world. He likes to play on my air headedness--- like the time he told me that a truck with a propeller trailer hitch was one of those new floating trucks—he didn’t realize I believed him until I was telling Mamamurk about these new trucks—and he said --did you think I was serious??? Well obviously – I am telling someone else about it, aren’t I?

Just Sunday, he had fun at my expense twice. First at Walmart, he yelled across the isle—Hey did you get those TAMPONS you needed? For anyone who knows how modest I am – that is enough to make me go from 0-Red in less than 2 seconds. Secondly, we went to check out these wooden chairs that are for sale and sitting on the side of the HWY 74 (which for those of you that do not know ---74 is a really busy HWY in Charlotte). So I got out to look at them and came back to the truck and said, okay I like them, and he said—you are not going to sit in them and try them out???—I said—there are a million cars riding down the road—I don’t want to look stupid—he said—just go see if you like them. So there I go trotting back over, I back up and sit down—and what does he do—just started honking the horn over and over--- what else could I do--- I just started waving…….

So whether you call him Joe, Joey, Joseph, Mr. Joe, Josephina Nickolina, it doesn’t matter to me… I just know that I am proud to call him my best friend, my hubby, my confidant, my security blanket, and of course my baby daddy……


Anonymous said...

Aw, that is sweet. I like your blogs. They make me laugh out loud. For example- the whole "luck up" statement. How exactly would one "luck up?"


Anonymous said...

PS- I refreshed a bunch to bump that counter up in the double digits for ya. ;)