Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Cuz all the cool people are doing it"

Yep-- that is it, I heard all of the cool people were blogging and I just had to try it. I once jumped off a bridge for the same reason and it didn't hurt too bad, so I thought what the heck---

Really I have never been a journaler-- (is that a word????) even as a kid--- but the same person that told me everyone our age was doing it -- even though she is older than me (he he he)---- had me read her blog and I found it to be quite interesting--so I thought let me become technologically savvy and figure this out ---just so I can say I have been there done that--maybe this journaling could be pretty cool--

So here I am--for anyone that happens to stumble into my page-- hope you enjoy, and if no one does-- hope I enjoy--if this is my last blog-- the answer will be clear "I ain't cool"............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you are kinda cool except that cool people never use the word "journaler." Ditch that word and then yeah, you're cool.