- Mamamurk is color blind, she took the time to color with me as a kid, but I always wondered why the trees were purple
- She lived with my family for most of my childhood, she found humor in wearing panty hose over her head and knocking on the windows to scare my friends at my slumber parties-- I think she has officially done that to all of my cousins, so we got her back on her Surprise 89th birthday when we all shouted surprise with Panty Hose over our heads--
- My grandfather died when my mom was 3-- Mamamurk dated very rarely--the one date I remember her going on was short lived--she did not date him anymore because he had untrimmed nose hair -- speaking of which, she made my grandfather shave his underarms-- they say he walked around for days with his arms up in the air---guess she doesn't like hair on men
- She now tells me she doesn't need a man, that she keeps one in the closet and only lets him out to use the potty :)
- She hates this story-- but when I was young we shared a bedroom, she had this trick (after stomach surgery)-- if she laid on her left side she would have gas forever-- I always thought it was funny, and she would do it to make me laugh-- but she doesn't like it when I tell people-- so SHHHHHH
- Her oldest son is in his 70's and after the sudden loss of his wife he began dating again. We were all very happy for him, and when he decided to bring his new girlfriend home to meet everyone we were all very excited. Before they came; mamamurk called and said, now Jack I have to ask you one thing-- do you sleep in the same bed, his response was mama yes we do, I will bring a switch so you can whoop me when I get there. Mamamurk tells us, "I had to ask him because I had to prepare myself-- I knew if they were to show up and just go to the same bedroom, I would not be able to hide the look on my face"-- remember uncle Jack is in his 70's ---guess being a mama never changes
- She reminded me of this story today-- she had twins I guess about 70 years ago (can't remember how old my aunts are) either way she always tells us they looked like rats and slept in dresser drawers--
- And finally my FAVORITE Mamamurk story of all-- About 3 years ago (remember she is 95) she was at the "Beauty parlor" and she was trying to tell the lady about her 5 kids. (remember she has a set of twins) so she tells the lady (as my mom stands patiently awaiting mamamurk's story) that she had 5 children-- but no she didn't stop there-- she ended her comment with "but I only had to ride the train 4 times"...my mom was mortified-- the stylist loved it--
So there you go-- funny stories of one of my favorite people....I hope to one day have grandchildren that love to share my stories as much as I love to share hers--