Friday, July 8, 2011

And you wonder where I get it from???

My grandma never ceases to amaze me-- She turned 98 on May 8th, and although that is amazing in itself-- what really amazes me is that she still has a sense of humor of a person a 10th her age....Want to see how she made her grand entrance to the Birthday party??

and yes it was her idea-- I was wondering what took her so long to enter-- it is because she made my cousin wheel her to the side of the building so she could put on her disguise!!  I mean really how can anyone not smile at this??

Now on to a couple other--- more serious pics from the event:

Mamamurk and her children (only missing my Uncle Jack who unfortunately has passed away)

Mamamurk and her Grandchildren (Minus 4 who couldn't make it)
Mamamurk and her Great-grandchildren (minus 6 who couldn't make it)
And she even has one great great Granddaughter that couldn't make it -- isn't it amazing how much of her family she has gotten to enjoy

and how lucky are we that we all got to enjoy this wonderful time together to celebrate the life of our Mamamurk!

1 comment:

peggy said...

She seems wonderful! Yes, now I see where you get it from!