Monday, April 4, 2011

Another Playing Catch Up Fave

At Christmas time Payten and I were invited by two of our MOST FAVORITE people to their house to make Gingerbread houses.

This is not something Payten and I had done together before so here is what I learned:

Go to the Ballantyne Hotel Gingerbread house Contest show for inspiration:

Eat an apple while you are there-- just cause it is free-- and it is not a good idea to build Gingerbread houses on an empty stomach

Stock Pile a ton of fun candy of all sorts (it is best if you keep it for a long time so you are not tempted to eat it while you are touching it) and buy those squirty things for the icing glue-- cause they work awesomely (if that is a word)

Watch Professional Mommy and Daughter in action

Think outside the box (or should I say outside the house?)

Wheat thins make a good roof
Shredded Wheat makes a good roof
And Bubblegum definitely makes a good roof

Take lots of pictures of your progress so you can remember your great ideas

 Take pictures of the memories and the wonderful ladies that made it happen

Make it a yearly tradition for your little girl who was so very proud of her finished product


Unknown said...

SO CUTE! I loved this day :)

peggy said...

awe, I can't wait for December so we can do this again!