Even though I can't sing, dance, or play an instrument-- music does something for me, always has. When I exercise, it makes me want to do it longer, move faster. I often hear songs that fit the moment that I am in, almost like I was meant to hear that song. I guess you can say I am a slave to the vibe.....
Recently I heard a song on my Ipod that was perfect for someone special to me.
Tonight I added that song to my blog for her. This song is for a friend who has endured a lot lately and has done it with such strength, grace, and positivity. I've told her more than once she is my Hero--
RD-- I am so proud of your "Can do", "Will win", "Will Beat this" champion attitude.
I know that not all days are easy-- and so that you won't forget, I have added this song for you--and just like the words of this song, "On a day when you feel spent-- you can "Trouble Me".
(p.s should you need the lyrics I have hyperlinked them
Looking forward to our eggtomatothrowingcussinggetitoutcryingpunchinghugging(not touching :)) night!!