See...Carter sat up straight in bed last night and laughed out loud-- it scared me --so I said-- what is wrong-- and he said
"That Star Wars guy just pooted..."

See Payten's sunglasses... she wears them most of the time now-- either on her eyes or on her head, she also always wears homemade braided bracelets like I use to make as a kid-- which I think is cute
For years I've tried to get her to wear sunglasses, and get Carter to wear hats and nothing-- I think it is funny they all of a sudden decide they want to accessorize.
One day I am sure I will wish I hadn't wanted them to accessorize so much, just more $ to add to the outfit.
now look how much he has grown..
Happy Birthday baby boy-- you have a special way of always making me smile.......
I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO MUCH (A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck)!!!!