Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's okay -- they really like them....

I have a couple of friends that read this blog that are "Character Shoe Snobs"-- and die when I tell them I got my kids some-- but really what is so bad about them---

I do believe when they get to be a certain age they are too childlike but until then-- let them enjoy them-- my rationale-- the kids love them, Carter thinks they give him super powers-- they are really inexpensive--they are going to tear up fast at school---and if they don't tear up they grow out of them---- so why spend $30 if you don't have to-- and really truth be known-- there is a little something dorky cute about them to me--now the Hannah Montana ones I got Payten recently were a bad idea-- I realized it after I bought them-- they really just were not cute-- and she is just getting to old for them in my opinion-- but I was rewarding her for something and that is what she wanted-- so let her be her own fashion expert-- that is okay too

So to you Character Shoe snobs (and you know who you are :)) You know I love you bunches-- so don't take your nickname the wrong way-- just know that any chance I get to send my kids out with you -- I will be sure they are sporting the light up Character Shoes for all to see!!!

And just look for yourself-- is there really anything that can take away from the cuteness of this little squirt :) (BTW-- those are "Mator" sunglasses too :))

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