Friday, February 8, 2008

We did it, we did it..

Carter decided in Walmart tonight that he wanted "Cars" big boy underwear, so I told him I would get them for him if he would pee pee in the potty. He hugged them all the way through Walmart, and had me open them up as soon as we got in the car. When we got home, he wanted them on immediately, (actually he wanted to put all 3 pair on at the same time). I told him before he put them on he had to sit on the potty and try to pee pee, and that he did-- but not only did he try ---he went pee pee too!!!!-- Joe, Payten, and I were so proud-- Payten told him she was proud of him and was going to give him a dollar so he could go to the dollar store and spend it-- what a sweet big sis she is.....

Here he is calling Mimi and Mama J to tell his big news...

Now we have to teach him consistency-- that is the next big trick -- Oh and one more thing-- we will definitely need to teach him how to put them on (this was pair # 3 that he managed to put on himself (on top of the other two))


mindy said...

3 pair at once isn't a bad idea if you know what I mean....

Way to go Carter!!!! I know I personally will be soooo happy when you start pooping in the potty!

Erin said...

Good for him...good for YOU!

mindy said...

Forgot to ask you...did you notice your archive is like you wanted it? ;)