Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!

She's great

She's Payt

She's not the best bedmate

But for her brother she is a sweet little playmate

Her cute little hair is straight

For her hugs I can't wait

Her sweetness is first rate

My love for her you can't debate

When she smiles my heart inflates

For me no other girl equates

Can you believe my little girl is 8!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

a⋅dic⋅u⋅lous pronunciation: [a-dik-a-luhs]


causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; laughable


nonsensical, ludicrous, funny, droll, comical, farcical.



Used in a sentence:

Payten: "look at all of that bunny poop"

Carter: "That is adiculous!"

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cars, Trucks and......

SOB's that is what Carter said when we passed the Toyota dealership the other day.."look mommy-- there's cars, trucks, and SOBs"-- I said I think you mean SUVs son--

As I called mimi to laugh about it he said-- "dats not funny guys"